Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So Ben read my book, which I think was really exciting for both of us. The review that he gave it was better than I'd expected, and slightly less than my wildest dreams come true. Most importantly, he gave an honest opinion, for which I can never be grateful enough. The final analysis was that the book was entertaining and enjoyable, and has the potential to be published, but only after a serious overhaul.

Basically, besides a few sticky sections that need to be changed (most of which I already knew, but was just too exhausted to redo) the biggest problem with my book is that it doesn't fit into a specific category, and therefore doesn't appeal to a specific audience. It's funny to think about that sort of thing. When I first got the idea for my story I never really thought about who would read it. I just wanted to get it down on paper. Now that I've written it though, I want people to actually read it, which means making adjustments to appeal to a specific audience.

The book as it is now is lying somewhere between Young Adult and Adult fantasy (but also sort of sci-fi). The characters' ages are pretty much wrong for both categories (main characters should be aged approximately the same as the audience-- it makes the reader more sympathetic), and while I started writing it as a Young Adult book, it quickly turned into something I was writing more for grown-ups. I had to make a decision. If I opted for Young Adult, the changes I'd need to make would be simpler. A few of the more violent/risquee scenes would need to be cut and replaced with something a little more PG-13. But the overall depth and length of the book (already at 321 pages) would pretty much stay the same.

If I chose door #2 and went for Adult fantasy, then the book would need to be expanded, go more in-depth, bring out a lot more details. The characters need to be aged-up, which meant that a lot of the major storyline would need a serious overhaul. The length of the book by the end would probably end up somewhere around the 450 page mark minimum, maybe even more.

I sat at the crossroads for a few days, trying to decide. It felt like Young Adult was kind of like driving through Kansas. It's a straight shot through, maybe a little boring, but you know you'll get there in the end, barring falling asleep at the wheel. Appealing to the Adult audience is more like driving up Pike's Peak. The road is rougher, you have to really focus on what you're doing, and-- considering there's no guard rail-- there's a chance you may not even get to the top. But the ride is a hell of a lot more entertaining, and if you do get to the top, the view makes the whole ordeal well worth it.

In the end I probably didn't need to take that long to decide. I'd known all along I'd go for the adult audience.

The thing is that I already know all the depth and detail that needs to be put in. I've been living every day in this world for over 3 years now. I just never bothered to write the details down. Now I have the opportunity.

I started my re-write/overhaul a couple of days ago, and I've never been more excited to write. With every detail that I add I know that I'm bringing out the world I created for others to share in. And as far as the storyline/character changes... honestly, a lot of the stuff I'm dropping was crap anyways. The way the story is headed now not only makes more sense as far as the story goes, it makes more sense for the characters. I feel like I'm finally cutting through the crap and getting to the core of who these people really are. I know I won't regret this decision. Even if I don't get published, I'll know that at least I did the story justice.

So I guess this post is a little bittersweet- for those of you who thought you'd be getting to read my book sometime soon, unfortunately I'm going to be stringing you along a little more. But when you do get the chance, it'll be a more satisfying experience.


81Trucolors said...

This is really exciting! Good luck, T.

GnightMoon said...

What is your definition of a "page"?

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything and never ever question that you'll reach your dream one day. It took me ten years, but I finally took the biggest step forward in my entire life and got published!

DW Golden
Soar with Fairies in a new young adult novel: Purple Butterflies

courtney said...

ok, i have really no clue what your book is about, but when you were trying to classify it, it sounded oddly similar to the Twilight series classification....whatever that is. so when you say "main characters should be aged approximately the same as the audience-- it makes the reader more sympathetic"....what i want to say is....look at the twilight series, tons of adults read those books! and same with harry potter! both of these series have youth as their main characters, and both of these series appeal to a very wide audience.

i think you've already made up your mind though. but just thought i'd throw in my 2 cents